
Showing posts from June, 2020
  Hello everyone,  iam  Laasya , intern, posted in medicine department. We have got oppurtunity to see interesting cases in medicine department and here is the case admitted under our unit. "This is an online E log book to post and discuss our patient's de-identified health data posted after taking informed consent where we discuss patient-centered clinical problems through series of discussions among the community of experts without letting the patient move to distant places to different doctors with an aim to solve their clinical problems with the collective best evidence input from them. This online platform also reflects my patient-centered learning portfolio.       A 56 year old male came to the opd with chief complaints of                  pain in the right upper quadrant since 2months                Decreased appetite since 2months                Difficulty in passing stools since 2months                Cough since 5days    History of present illness: He was apparently

Daily log

23rd May- icu duty- monitoring vitals of patients and drawn a blood sample for blood transfusion 24th May- icu duty-monitoring vitals of patients and drawn arteial bloodsample for abg analysis 25th May- opd day 26th May- attended case discussion regarding DKA and read about DKA ;causes of recurrent DKA 27th May-attended case discussion of 55 /F hypotension hypovolemic shock after acute diarrhoea and learnt pathophysiology of hypovolemic shock  28thMay- learnt about cva  29th may- attended case discussion on male pt with pedal edema ,sob since 1week Anuria  30th may- attended Case discussion on    patient with left gluteal abscess with cellulitis  with intrinsic AKI 1st june- opd day 2nd June- monitoring and follow up of my unit cases read about AKI  3rd June-  monitoring and follow up of my unit cases and read about base excess 4th June-  monitoring and follow up of my unit  cases 5th June-  monitoring and follow up of my unit cases and read about cirrhosis  6th June-  monitoring and f