Daily log

23rd May- icu duty- monitoring vitals of patients and drawn a blood sample for blood transfusion
24th May- icu duty-monitoring vitals of patients and drawn arteial bloodsample for abg analysis
25th May- opd day
26th May- attended case discussion regarding DKA and read about DKA ;causes of recurrent DKA
27th May-attended case discussion of 55 /F hypotension hypovolemic shock after acute diarrhoea and learnt pathophysiology of hypovolemic shock 
28thMay- learnt about cva 
29th may- attended case discussion on male pt with pedal edema ,sob since 1week Anuria 
30th may- attended Case discussion on 
 patient with left gluteal abscess with cellulitis with intrinsic AKI
1st june- opd day
2nd June- monitoring and follow up of my unit cases read about AKI 
3rd June-  monitoring and follow up of my unit cases and read about base excess
4th June-  monitoring and follow up of my unit  cases
5th June-  monitoring and follow up of my unit cases and read about cirrhosis 
6th June-  monitoring and follow up of my unit cases 
7th June-  rotational opd duty
8th June- opd duty 
9th June- monitoring and follow up of my unit cases 
10th June- monitoring and follow up of my unit cases and 
Attended case discussion of 55/F with abdominal distension since 2 yrs with weight loss and  massive splenomegaly.
Read about Ascitis and causes of splenomegaly.
11th june-  monitoring and follow up of my unit cases and Attended case discussion of quadriparesis.
Read about Budd chiari syndrome.
12th June-  monitoring and follow up of my unit cases and had seen varices in distal esophagus on endoscopy done for my pt with abdominal distention and splenomegaly and learnt about svc and ivc obstruction and attended case discussion on female pt with seizures and had dilated pupils learnt about renal artery stenosis


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