Hello everyone,  iam  Laasya , intern, posted in medicine department. We have got oppurtunity to see interesting cases in medicine department and here is the case admitted under our unit.

"This is an online E log book to post and discuss our patient's de-identified health data posted after taking informed consent where we discuss patient-centered clinical problems through series of discussions among the community of experts without letting the patient move to distant places to different doctors with an aim to solve their clinical problems with the collective best evidence input from them. This online platform also reflects my patient-centered learning portfolio.
      A 56 year old male came to the opd with chief complaints of 
                pain in the right upper quadrant since 2months
               Decreased appetite since 2months 
              Difficulty in passing stools since 2months 
              Cough since 5days 
  History of present illness: He was apparently asymptomatic 2months back then he developed pain in the right upper quadrant which is of pricking type , aggravated on inspiration associated with loss of appetite and cough .Cough is productive in nature sputum is blood stained  moderate in amount ,mucoid in consistency. No h/o fever; melena
                       No h/o chest pain ; shortness of breath ; palpitations 
                      No h/o headache ; loss of consciousness;  trauma 
                      No h/o vomtings; diarrhoea;  vomtings.
 Past history: Appendicectomy was done 30yrs back . He has no similar complaints in the past. 
Personal history: appetite is normal 
He is nonvegetarian ; bowel and bladder movements are regular and he sleeps well.
He is an alcoholic since 20 years ;drinks 2 litres of toddy daily and stopped 2months back. He is  a smoker and smokes 4 cigarettes / day  and stopped 2months back.
Family history:Not significant
Drug history: Not allergic to any known drugs
Physical examination:  patient is conscious, coherent, cooperative ,moderately built and nourished .He has no Pallor ,icterus, cyanosis, clubbing,lymphaedenopathy , edema. His pulse- 72 bom
                     BP- 100/ 60 mmhg
                   Respirator rate- 23cpm
                   Temperature - afebrile
  Systemic examination:
Per abdomen  : 
On inspection ; abdomen is normal in shape 
                         Umbilicus is inverted.
On palpation;  abdomen is soft
                   Tenderness felt in the right upper quadrant
On auscultation bowel sounds heard


                   Provisional diagnosis: 
Amoebic  liver abscess in segment 6 with greater than 50% liquefaction
Iron deficiency anemia with amoebiasis

Treatment given :
    Inj.Ceftriaxone Ivig BD
    Inj. Metrogyl 750mg iv tid
     Inj. Pantoprazole 40mg iv od
     Tab. Orofer p/o od before lunch
      Tab. PCM 650mg sos
      Tab. Benfomet plus po od before lunch
      Tab. Chloroquine 500mg po od after lunch
      Syrup. Ascoryl 10ml tid



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